Sweet News


I got some sweet news this week in my inbox. New Society Publishers was bought by Douglas and McIntyre a few years ago. Now, sadly, that publisher has filed for bankruptcy. But the good news is, because New Society is its own legal entity, the original owners, Chris and Judith Plant, were able to repurchase it with the help of a local philanthropist.

In case you aren’t familiar with this publisher, they publish “books that are ahead of the curve, offer real solutions in troubled times and give you tools to change the world.” New Society published my book and many of my friends books, like Mark Roseland’s Toward Sustainable Communities, David Tracey’s Urban Agriculture and Guerilla Gardening, and the late Robin Wheeler’s Food Security for the Faint of Heart.

Publishers are really struggling in this on-line age. Here’s some things you can do to support New Society:

– write a review on Amazon, Good Reads or Library Thing

– request New Society titles at your local library

– Chat with them on Facebook and Twitter. They don’t just talk about books!

– Let your friends and relatives know that a small, independent publisher is making great books available. And Canadians, you could mention they have been pricing their books on par with American dollars for over 5 years.

– Buy any book, in fact, anything at all, from your local bookstore

Why not give your sweetheart a real, hold-it-in-your-hands book for Valentine’s Day? Check out New Society’s great line-up.


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